Conflict Free Production

As a brand, we have been mentioning the term "conflict-free" for a while now in regards to our precious stones. You will see it on every one of our posts and in our brand messaging -
But what does it really mean? What makes our diamonds and precious stones conflict-free?
We hear you! We are here to share what this LKC value represents and how we achieve just that:

At Layla Kaisi Collection our most important core value is to ensure our design process remain ethical, never allowing our brand to prioritise production + profits over human rights.
Being conflict-free means we only work with a select number of trusted suppliers who our founder, Layla Kaisi, personally gets to know and researches.
The suppliers we use at LKC often directly work with the miners who sourced the gems, or are in fact the ones who mined the stones themselves!
Additionally, each supplier we work with strictly operates under the Kimberley Process. This is an international initiative which ensures all diamonds and precious stones we deal with are certified from sources free of child-labour and conflict.
Layla personally selects our suppliers from the contacts at the Jewellers and Watchmakers Association of NZ, or via recommendation from the close knit jewellery industry we are part of in NZ.
This way, not only are we accountable for work, but our suppliers are accountable for their ethics; no trade happens if they do not follow the Kimberley Process Initiative.
Here's to you lovers, keep questioning, keep asking and keep pushing us. We want to be challenged and transformed as we grow with you.
Layla Kaisi Collection creates slow, intentional design in a world of fast fashion.
Come with us into the new -